The Local Control Accountability Plan (LCAP) is a three year strategic planning document that, according to the California Department of Education (CDE), is intended as a comprehensive planning tool to support student outcomes and is an important component of the local control funding formula (LCFF). Under the LCFF, all local educational agencies (LEAs) including school districts, county offices of education (COEs), and charter schools are required to prepare an LCAP, which describes how they intend to meet annual goals for all pupils, with specific activities to address state and local priorities identified pursuant to California Education Code (EC) sections 52060(d), 52066(d), and 47605.”
The LCAP is meant to be a local decision making process with stakeholder input about how to address student needs and close achievement gaps with budget accountability. As part of the new funding model, the State now provides school districts with a base fund, along with additional dollars titled “Supplemental and Concentration funds”, based on the number of students classified as low income, English Learner, and/or foster youth.
To view the State Priorities that are to be addressed by the LCAP, visit the page below:
If you would like to submit written comments on the HUSD LCAP, please email your comments to Thank you.
NOTE: As per Ed Code 52062(a)(3), The superintendent of the school district shall notify members of the public of the opportunity to submit written comments regarding the specific actions and expenditures proposed to be included in the local control and accountability plan or annual update to the local control and accountability plan, using the most efficient method of notification possible.
Mr. Eric Velazquez
Projects Director