Special Education
Holtville Unified School District is committed to meeting the needs of all students within the district. All children identified eligible for special education services between the ages of 5 and 18, who live within the district boundaries, are provided appropriate educational opportunities within the school district, within the Special Education Local Plan Area (SELPA), or in rare cases outside the District/SELPA.
The district offers facilities and dedicated staff members to provide for the needs of the student who is identified as learning disabled, emotionally disturbed, orthopedically impaired, having an intellectual disability, deaf, deaf/blind, visually impaired, on the autism spectrum, other health impaired, speech and language impaired and/or traumatic brain injured.
An Individualized Education Program (IEP) is crafted annually for each of our eligible students to ensure that each child receives a free appropriate education designed & tailored to meet his/her needs in the least restrictive environment. Our Special Education staff is eager to partner with you and provide a rich and meaningful educational experience that will meet the unique needs of your child. We are available to assist you at any time should you have any questions or require support.